帮忙翻段英语 要写在简历上的 谢谢啊~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 01:18:10

123sandeli 你好
简历翻译的价格不菲,耗时也很多,网上估计不会花那么多时间帮助陌生人翻译的,一定是帮你用软件翻译的,效果极差。建议你找专门的翻译公司,以免耽误求职 ,错漏百出的译文会给求职带来很大的影响。以下是机器翻译的结果:Date Report and on the production of statements, calculating wages, attendance records of employees, completion of job statistics, such as trade unions; assist in recruitment, resume screening, interview notice to assist in the interview, the staff make changes to files, such as data entry.
