
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 06:55:48
卡卡,我从来没有想过我们会成为这么好的朋友,或许你也没有想过,也终于知道传说中的卡卡原来是这样的性格,哈哈太劲爆了。要是公布出来,那英国的狗仔队要扰乱我生活的 ,所以想想还是不公布吧。亲爱的,在英国等我 ,我马上就过来了 。。。
窄窄,小学就认识吧,虽然不是很熟悉但是经常看到,亲爱的不要把别人想的 太单纯,我和卡卡都怕你会受伤,我们走了怕你会寂寞。不要为别人而活,喜欢的 人就走的近些不喜欢的 就走远些,这个社会其实就是这样,没有必要为了别人而委屈了自己。无论我们在哪儿还是会想着你,还是会听你在那狂喊:“卡卡。。。。钱韵文。。。。。”
亲爱的们,很想我们就这么永远永远的走下去,很珍惜这段感情。我们会一直一直走下去对不对,希望你们每一个都可以开开心心,每一个都要幸福,那些不该想起的 就让他 过去。。

Every day that goes by in the past, has been at the beginning of the college entrance examination preparation, from kindergarten, primary, middle school to high school, from the father, the boyfriend of an acquaintance, came all the way there have been many, many want to forget but not forget to give up but want to take away .
Kaka, I never thought we would become such a good friend, perhaps you have not thought of, but also finally know Kaka legendary character would be something like this, the world's best too haha. If published, the United Kingdom paparazzi that want to disrupt my life, so think about it or not published. Darling, in the United Kingdom, such as me, I'll be right back. . .
Narrow primary and secondary schools to recognize it, though not often seen but are very familiar with, my dear people not to want to put too simply, I'm afraid you and Kaka will be injured, we go by you will be afraid of loneliness. Not to live for others, like some peop