
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 04:20:00

The vast blue lake, a bird wing like clouds of Qinghai Lake,古称"West", located in southern Qinghai Gangcha County. Lake 3195 meters above sea level, covering an area of 4583 square kilometers wide, around the lake about 360 kilometers a week for China's largest salt lake. Lake in the Harbor Hill, the height of summer season the average temperature only 15 degrees, for a natural summer resort. Spring and summer every year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds to Hercynian mountains, three stones, such as habitat islands, hence the name Bird Island, is now classified as protected areas for migratory birds.

Lakes full of life, everywhere yak, cattle walk through a flock of sheep grazing constituted "the wind and see the low grass and sheep," Pastoral-like picture. Lakes There are two wonders, first, fish, First Island.
Qinghai Lake Huangshui rich fish, is a rich natural fish farm.民谚said: "A rock, a stick can play both, under a bunch of