
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 22:20:06
实验四:GMI效应与样品电阻率的关系。通过实验发现电阻率越小即样品的导电性能越好,样品表现出来的GMI效应越显著。这是因为若材料是非常好的软磁材料并且导电性能也较好,即电导率较大(电阻率较小),那么一较小的外加磁场就能导致阻抗发生较大的变化,故观察到较大的GMI效应。另外,在实验中还发现磁致非晶 合金纳米晶化后试样电阻行为与常规非晶晶化的电阻行为不同,在一定的磁场强度下,比电阻出现极小值,电阻的反常是纳米晶量子尺寸效应的结果。
实验五:GMI效应与样品厚度的关系。通过实验发现对 纳米晶薄带来说,材料厚度在 到 区间,GMI效应随厚度的增加而增大。这可能是由于当 薄膜较薄时,薄膜中的应力造成薄膜的易轴取向偏离薄膜的横向,使得薄膜中趋肤效应较弱,故GMI效应较弱。
⑴材料选取不同,最大GMI效应所对应的驱动电流频率不同, 样品的最佳频率为1MHz, 样品的最佳频率为2MHz。
⑵材料选取不同,获得最大GMI效应的脉冲磁场处理参数不同。 样品磁场强度为350Oe,脉冲频率为30Hz时,GMI效应最大。 样品磁场强度为350Oe,脉冲频率为35Hz时,GMI效应最大。
⑶在相同的脉冲磁场处理条件下,长度、宽度、厚度均相同的不同材料,在相同驱动电流下的最大GMI效应不同。本文中,在相同脉冲磁场处理条件下 样品的GMI效应要大于 样品的GMI效应。

Four experiments: GMI effect and the relationship between sample resistivity. Found through experiments that the smaller the resistivity of the conductive properties of the sample the better the performance of Samples from the GMI effect is significant. This is because if the material is very good and conductive properties of soft magnetic materials are also good, that is, the larger conductivity (resistivity less), then a smaller magnetic field can cause large changes in impedance, it is observed to the larger GMI effect. In addition, the experiment also found that nano-magnetic amorphous alloy sample after crystallization behavior and resistance of non-conventional Jingjing different acts of resistance, at a certain magnetic field strength, the emergence of a very small resistance value, the anomalous resistivity are nano - crystal result of quantum size effect.

Five experiments: GMI effect relationship between the thickness of the sample. Found through experiments on