
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:22:22

爱要爱得彻底 give up anything for love

不是那般容易 there's not so easy

心碎的感觉不是唯一 The feeling of a broken heart is not the only

但对你的心 but the loving heart cannot extricate itself


如果你愿意 If you are willing to

就再让我在梦里见到你 please give me your show in my dream

不是要你回首 i don't want you to look back

是想彻底的放弃 i want to give up this all

放弃这所有的一切 exhaustive!

包括我自己 Including myself

让火燃烧 Let it all burn in the fire

让冰封印 Let it all be frozen

让所有的一切一切 Let it all

化作尘土 Turned into dust

化为稀泥 Turned into slime

随波荡漾 follow the wave

随风飘扬 follow the windy

并最终化为一个孤独的你 And finally cond

爱要爱得彻底 love then love completly

不是那般容易 is not so easy

心碎的感觉不是唯一 The feeling of a broken heart is not the only

但对你的心 but the heart that face you

却是心不由己 can not help itself

如果你愿意 If you are willing to

就再让我在梦里见到你 please let me see you in my dreams

不是要你回首 i don't want you to look back

是想彻底的放弃 is give up all

放弃这所有的一切 give up all that's here

包括我自己 Including myself

让火燃烧 Let it all burn in the fire

让冰封印 Let it all be frozen

让所有的一切一切 Let it all

化作尘土 Turned into dust

化为稀泥 Turned into mud

随波荡漾 follow the wave

随风飘扬 follow the windy

并最终化为一个孤独的你 and at the end become a lonely you

