
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:22:29
我上个月买了《本文登考研数学复习指南(理工类)2010 版本》,聚焦出版社的。但是很不幸把书本后面那个注册码个弄掉了,现在想看看那光碟的内容居然还要输入注册信息,“手机号码,信息密码”。麻烦各位大哥大姐帮个忙!如果有同学买这本书的话,能不能把注册信息告诉我一声,小弟感激不尽!(注,一本书后面的序列号是可以同时用在3台电脑上的,有的话有劳发我邮箱:107602108@qq.com)

Last month I bought a "study section of this paper, the mathematical review board guidelines (Science) 2010 version of" Focus Press. But unfortunately the back of the books that were pulled off the key, and now want to actually look at the contents of CD-ROM would also like to enter registration information, "the phone number, password information." Big Brother Big Sister trouble you a favor! If there are students to buy this book, then the registration information can tell me, boy grateful! (Note, a book is behind the serial number can be used on 3 computers, so I have made labor-mail: 107602108@qq.com)
