
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:02:42
课程的作用 :(1)教育教学活动的基本依据,(2)实现学校教育目标的基本保证,(3)学校一切教学活动的中介,(4)对学校进行管理与评价提供标准。
课程的发展趋势 :(1)课程价值取向科学精神与人文精神的融合,课程目标关注人的综合素质,关注社会和谐并指向终身学习;(2)课程内容的理论化、综合化、现代化、生活化;(3)课程类型的多样化和个性化;(4)重视治理开发与学习能力的培养,倡导建构的学习;(5)强调课程的民主化与适应性,学校与教师在课程改革与研究中的作用将越来越突出,(6)课程设计、开发将与现代计算机信息技术密切结合。

The role of curriculum: (1) education and teaching the fundamental basis for the activity, (2) achieve the basic goal of school education to ensure that, (3) School of the intermediary in all teaching activities, (4) of the school management and evaluation standards.
Trends in curriculum development: (1) values the spirit of science curriculum and the integration of the humanistic spirit, concerned about the curriculum goal of the overall quality of people, concerned about a harmonious society and to point to life-long learning; (2) the theory of the course content, integration, modernization, and life of; (3) type of curriculum diversification and personalization; (4) emphasis on management development and learning abilities, the study initiated by construction; (5) emphasize the democratization of the curriculum and adaptability, schools and teachers in curriculum reform and The role of research will be more and more prominent, and (6) curriculum design, the development of m