
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 22:37:08
Following the neobehaviouristic research tradition, the process of stimuli leading to responses is explained by viewing the constructs inbetween. Those interceding constructs appear as cognitive, activating and combined aspects. Cognitive aspects can be described as buying intention and preferences, activating constructs include emotions, attitudes and motivations. Combining those aspects involvement and trust are also seen as interceding constructs.

继neobehaviouristic研究的传统,这一进程的刺激导致的答复解释是看构建inbetween 。这些调解结构出现认知,激活和结合方面的问题。认知方面可以被描述为购买意向和偏好,活化构造包括情感,态度和动机。结合这些方面的参与和信任也被视为调解结构。