
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:55:40
In the Appendix to the note we provided a detailed analysis of the value of both options for bondholders. The Par and Discount bond options are equivalent from a valuation perspective. The Par Bond, however, is designed to appeal to retail investors and will be rationed. To the extent that this bond is held by many investors with relatively small positions, liquidity in this bond will be inferior to the Discount Bond. If this exchange is successful, the Discount Bond is likely to attract more institutional buyers and to perform better (despite its 2 year shorter duration).
Many retail investors were attracted to Argentinean bonds because of the high coupons. The Par Bonds, however, have extremely low coupons. It is possible that, upon completion of the exchange, retail investors with Par Bonds will start selling their holdings. Such a scenario will also favour the Discount bond option.

死亡笔记的附录中,我们提供了详细的分析,对股票期权的价值的。债券的面值折价是等价的,从评估选择视角。该债券,然而,旨在吸引散户投资者,将被分配。在某种程度上,这是由许多投资者债券与相对较小的位置,在该债券将流动性的贴现债券的低。如果该交易所是成功的,会吸引更多债券表现得更好,制度买家(尽管它的2年时间较短。 许多散户投资者被吸引到阿根廷债券的优惠券。债券的面值,然而,有极低的折扣券。这是有可能的是,在完成交易,散户投资者与面值债券将开始抛售控股。这样的情形也会钟情于折扣债券的选择。