翻译下了 汉译英 太感谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:15:32

两句汉译英,在线翻译得不用回了~ 非常感谢!
It to the figures, scenes of life and the success of world-famous portrait, created charming women, 中文:它以对人物,生活场景的成功刻画而著称于世,塑造了独具魅力的女性, 老师说不能用“It to " 这句有语病~

In this paper, both the external and internal aspects of Tess'tragedy are discussed (the fate of the reasons for the tragedy happend, )The thesis points out that fate of tess's tragic outcome is inevitable. 中文:本文从外在和内在的两个方面讨论了苔丝命运本剧发生原因,指出苔丝命运的悲惨结局是必然的。

it is famous for depicting figures and scenes of life, portrayed unique and charming women

this paper discussed both internal and external causes of Tess'tragedy and points out that her tragic fate is inevitable.


1. It is well-known for its lively depictions of the figures and everyday life, and contributes to a vivid portrait of a remarkable woman.

2. The article analyzes background and setting atmosphere which lead to the inevitable tragedy of Tess.