
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:23:45
Fig. 1 illustrates the microstructure and surface morphology of samples which include the bare substrate, the fluorinated with and without CeO2 thin film. Fig. 1a shows the initial surface state of the polished bare substrate. Some fine steaks resulting from the polishing progress are visible in the image. The surface is considerably rough and the activity of surface for magnesium alloy is various from sample to sample and within the same sample due to the presence of different phases [24,25]. In Fig. 1b, the micrograph was taken when the sample was fluorinated in the 20% HF for 20 h. There are a large number of pores and cracks on the surface of this sample; however, we cannot find the presence of remarked grinding scratches originated from the sample preparation on the surface in contrast with the bare substrate. It is well known that the magnesium alloy reacts with HF to form the fluoride coating via displacement reaction and the fluoride is insoluble, thus form a barrier on the sur

图。 1显示的微观结构和表面形貌的样品,其中包括裸基板,氟化和不CeO2薄膜。图。第1a显示初始状态的表面抛光裸基板。一些很好的牛排因抛光进步是明显的形象。表面相当粗糙,表面活性镁合金是各种抽样样品,并在同一样品由于存在不同阶段[ 24,25 ] 。图。 1B款,该镜是当样品中的氟20 %高频20小时有大量的孔隙和裂缝的表面上这个范例,但是,我们无法找到在场的情况下说磨划痕来自样品制备表面上在与裸基板。众所周知,镁合金反应高频形成氟涂料通过置换反应和氟化物是不溶,从而形成一个屏障表面的镁合金。孔隙和裂缝分布不均还表明,活动表面上的镁合金不太相同。在扫描电镜图像的氟化样品的CeO2薄膜显示图。 1C号。可以看出,从这一形象,大部分孔隙和裂缝存在表面的氟化样品已经消失的原因是存在的CeO2薄膜。此外,表面的CeO2薄膜是更加统一和更加紧凑比氟化样品,这也许可以解释为什么这种样品是最好的抗腐蚀性。
X射线光电子能谱分析,旨在确定化学成分的电影和典型调查显示扫描光谱图。 2 。高峰期的主要内容镁,碳,氧,女和Ce中显示谱。大量的碳存在表面的样本由于某些污染物来自抛光,清洁和热处理过程;此外,可能还有一些残余,因为deficiently