
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 14:38:09
3. Telecommunications regulatory regime reform
3.1. Institutional reform: from fragmented and centralized to coherent and decentralized
For a long time the Chinese public telecommunications sector was a monopoly. Like most other countries, e.g. most European countries and Japan (Pontarollo, Gemelli & Galeazzi, 1998), it had a PTT that monopolized the postal services and public telecommunications. The PTT combined functions of a public operator and a regulator. In China such an institution was Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT). Directorate General of Telecommunications (DGT), a department of MPT, was responsible for the operations of public telecommunications. MPT had provincial Posts and Telecommunications Administrations (PTAs) as its agencies. Under PTAs were the municipal Posts and Telephone Bureaus (PTBs).

3 。电信监管制度改革
3.1 。机构改革:从分散和集中统一和分散
长期以来,中国公众电信部门垄断。像大多数其他国家,例如大多数欧洲国家和日本( Pontarollo , Gemelli及盖氏, 1998年) ,它有一个公共交通总站的垄断邮政服务和公共电信。结合职能的公共交通总站的公共运营商和监管机构。在我国这样一个机构是邮电部(邮电部) 。电信总局(电信局) ,邮电部的一个部门,负责业务的公共电信。微波等离子体炬了省邮电管理局(家长教师)作为其机构。根据家长教师员额的市政和电话局( PTBs )