求真假公主(Anastasia 1957)中安娜与她祖母相认时的那段中英文台词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:08:21
求真假公主(Anastasia 1957)中安娜与她祖母相认时那段台词(英文的):
太:你小时侯害怕就会咳嗽,玛琳嘉亚。噢,玛琳嘉亚。你不远千里而来,我等了好久啊,我等了好久啊,别哭,别哭,不用怕,别说话,你安全了,安娜,你跟我回家吧,幽灵会逃走的,闭室会打开,我请了一个老头,每晚他巡视每一个房间,点燃油灯让宽大的房间充满光辉。也许、也许是真实的,我们在点燃油灯,照亮消失的过去。可是我以为你走了,如今你回来了,你回来了,千万别再离开我,不要再离开我,求你了。噢求你了,你要是假的千万别告诉我,起码现在别告诉我。 ”

经典对白:真假公主 Anastasia(1957)

Dowager Empress: We are most of us lonely, and it is mostly of our own making.

Dowager Empress: But oh please, if it should not be you, don't ever tell me.

Anastasia: The poor have only one advantage; they know when they are loved for themselves.

[Last line of the movie]
Dowager Empress: I will tell them that the play is over, now go home.

General Sergei Pavlovich Bounine: [To Petrovin] Would you recognize the smile of a girl you knew ten years ago?
Piotr Ivanovich Petrovin: I didn't think of that!
General Sergei Pavlovich Bounine: You're both fools! You're examining her as if she was the real Anastasia. There is no Anastasta! She was shot to death ten years ago by a firing squad. We're not looking for her, gentlemen. We're seeking only a reasonable facsimile.

Boris Adreivich Chernov: ...and that woman is too too something! Too crazy, too clever,