
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 00:06:17
对于可口可乐,实在是一言难尽,它太富有传奇色彩了。2001年《商业周刊》公布的全球100个最具价值品牌名单中,可口可乐以高达725亿美元高居榜首。二十世纪调查显示,全球最流行的三个词分别是上帝(God),她(her)和可口可乐(Coca Cola)。可口可乐还是中国改革开放后第一个进入中国的外企,也是第一个在中国做广告的。1984年英女王访华,英国电视台BBC拍了一个纪录片给中国中央电视台放。作为外交礼节,中央电视台必须播放,但苦于没钱给BBC,于是找到可口可乐要赞助。可口可乐提出了一个赞助条件:在纪录片播放之前加播一个可口可乐的广告片。这成了新中国电视广告历史上的开篇之笔。此后很多企业写报告问“可口可乐可以做电视广告,我们行不行?”于是做电视广告的口子打开了。


The Coca-Cola, it is untold, it too has been legendary. 2001, "Business Week" published by the Global 100 list of most valuable brands, Coca-Cola to 72.5 billion U.S. dollars up to the top of the list. Survey conducted by the twentieth century, the world's most popular are the three words of God (God), she (her) and Coca-Cola (Coca Cola). Coca-Cola China's reform and opening or after the first foreign companies into China is also the first advertising in China. Her Majesty the Queen's visit to China in 1984, the United Kingdom BBC Television to film a documentary on China Central Television release. As the protocol, China Central Television to be broadcast, but suffer from no money to the BBC, was found to be sponsored by Coca-Cola. Sponsored by Coca-Cola made a condition: a documentary broadcast in a broadcast before the Coca-Cola advertisement. This is a new history of Chinese television ads on the opening of the pen. Writing the report then ask a lo