
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 02:27:33
Most librarians are familiar with the concept of tagging. But even that term is used in two different ways with XML. On the one hand, it refers to the process of associating keywords or subject classifications with content; that's what people usually mean when they say they're "tagging" a web site or another resource. That's metadata. On the other hand, the term "tagging" is also used to describe the process of delineating the component parts of a document so that they can be located, identified, formatted, and perhaps deconstructed and recomposed. That's markup. XML is fundamental to both markup and metadata.

大多数图书管理员都很熟悉标记的意义。但是如果使用可扩展标记语言(XML)的话,标记这个术语可以通过两种方法实现。另一方面,标记指的是根据内容来对关键词或是标题进行分类的过程,这也是人们说他们正在搜索网页或是其他资源时所指明的意思。这是元数据(metedata)。另一方面,通常需要描绘一份文档的组成部分以便这些成分可以定位,确定,设计 或许是重新设计。而“标记”这个术语也可以用来指上述的这一过程。这就是标记。XML(可扩展标记语言)对于标记和元数据来讲非常的重要。
