Why are dolphins so apealing?以此为题写篇文章。介绍海豚为什么如此吸引人,英文的。拜托了!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 21:11:49

Why are dolphins so apealing?

Dolphins are generally playful animals. It is a fact that they spend most of their time playing. But how far do dolphins go with their playfulness? To answer this question, I'll illustrate this with a few examples:

There are stories about dolphins saving drowning people from the sea. These people had nearly drowned, but dolphins brought them to shore just in time. These stories are so beautiful that they resemble fairytales. Extensive research however has shown that these are only pure coincidences. The reason is mainly because of the dolphin's playful nature. More than once researchers have observed dolphins bringing a lot of things to shore, like rubbish and mattresses. This means that it is possible that a dolphin will bring a human being to shore instead of an object.

Dolphins are often observed swimming along with boats. This is n