
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 03:38:33
第三个:乌龟趁兔子睡觉(睡觉的英语单词是take a nap)的时候,终于超过了它。
第四个:乌龟到达了终点,拿到了奖杯(奖杯的英语单词是winner cup),兔子才刚刚出现。兔子输了。

提醒几个单词:森林:forest 追上 :catchup 赢得第一名:win the first prize.

Turtle and Rabbit Race
Long time ago, in a deep forest lived a turtle and a rabbit, they were a good friend. One day The rabbit was boasting about himself as the fastest runner in the forest, and was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit's surprise, the turtle challenged him to race. The rabbit accepted turtle’s challenge.
The rabbit ran so fast as the race began, and reach a halfway point in a minute. He was hot and tired and decided to take a nap. At this time the turtle kept walking ahead step by step, he didn’t give up no matter how tired he was, so he could catch up the turtle. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought. And so the turtle reached the finish line and got the winner cup. At that moment, Rabbit just arrived and became a loser.