一篇英文ESSAY 希望大家提些意见怎么写

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:47:52
What is the role of conflict and diversity of ideas in shaping one's conclusions? How can one remain intellectually open to opposing ideas while still retaining one's own identity and/or beliefs? 思路即可 大家给提些思路
其实感觉意思差不多是 怎么样能相信自己的信仰 同时保持OPEN 大家帮帮忙 会有追加分

role of conflict and diversity of ideas in shaping one's conclusions:
- the varied ideas provide us with different perspectives, when viewing a certain issue.
- these different perspectives would provide us with an all-rounded argument, so that our point of view would not be biased
- based on the conflicts and different perspectives, we can then come up with suitable and fair conclusions.

remain intellectually open to opposing ideas while still retaining one's own identity and/or beliefs:
- we have to be open to criticism and different opinions
- when receiving other points of view, we have to consider the pros and cons of their argument.
- based on our own beliefs, we can then build up our views.
- these opposing ideas would usually not affect out beliefs because having our own perspectives, it is difficult for us to change our views.
- being open to opposing ideas would help us in our reasoning and thinking, ensuring th