boston marriage具体指什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 20:36:58

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Boston marriage was a term used in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries for households where two women lived together, independent of any male support. These relationships were not necessarily sexual; the existence of platonic Boston marriages was used to quell fears of lesbianism following the loss of men in World War I.[1] Today, the term is sometimes used when referring to two women living together who are not in a sexual relationship. Such a relationship may involve intimacy and commitment without sexuality.

你也可以到google上去搜,我的抄自 wikipedia(最全的百科全书:))

我大致看了看,boston marriage 这个短语是指不依赖性而在一起生活的女性。起源于19、20世纪,由于一战死了很多男人,她们便组成了“家庭”。

你可以上wikipedia找此词的详解,有很多,足够你上课要讲的素材了。希望能帮到你 :)