
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 06:43:08
Diffraction by helices
It may be shown (also stokes, unpublished)that the intensity distribution in the diffraction pattern of a series of points equally spaced along a helix is given by the squares of Bessel functions. A uniform continuous helix gives a series of layer lines of spacing corresponding to the nth layer line being proportional to the square of Ja , the nth order Bessel function. A straight line may be drawn approximately through the innermost maxima of each Bessel function and the origin. The angle this line makes with the squator is roughly equal to the angle between an element of the helix and the helix axis. If a unit repeats n times along the helix there will be a meridional reflexion on the nth layer line. The belical configuration produces side-bands on this fundamental frequency, the effect being to reproduce the intensity distribution about the orgin around the new origin, on the nth layer line, corresponding to C in Fig.2.

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这可能是显示(也斯托克斯,未公布)的强度分布的衍射图样的一系列点同样距离的沿螺旋给予的平方贝塞尔函数。统一连续螺旋给出了一系列的层系间隔相应的n次方层线正在平方成正比子,在第n个以Bessel函数。一条直线可以得出大约通过内心极大每个Bessel函数和原产地。此行的角度作出的squator是相当于之间的夹角的一个要素螺旋和螺旋轴。如果一个单位重复n次沿螺旋会有经反射层的n次方线。生产的belical配置方面带这一基本频率的影响,正在重现强度分布的起源在新的原产地,在第n个层线,相应的C在图2 。


图2 。衍射系统的螺旋结构的相应deoxypentose核酸。的平方贝塞尔函数绘制关于澳赤道和第一,第二,第三行的第五层的一半,在20个核苷酸大众答:直径和其余分布在半径,大众在某一半径正在比例到半径。关于C对十层线类似职能的绘制外径12 。