
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 14:45:51
是这几个过去式:rade ate was drank saw went won gave played watched 快啊,急,希望各位帮帮忙
rade 骑 ate 吃 was 是 drank喝 saw看见 went走 won获胜 gave给 played 玩 watched观看

he rade his bicycle to goto the mountain .他骑车去山里了。
i ate the breakfast .我吃过早饭了。
he was ill last week .他上周病了。
i drank a bottle of wine .我喝了一瓶酒。
i saw a bird in the tree .我在树上看见一只鸟。
i went to school yesterday .我昨天去学校了。
i won the war .我赢得了战争。
he gave me a book last year .他去年给了我一本书。
i played with him the day before yesterday .我前天和他一起玩了。
i watched tv last night .我昨晚看电视了。

1. Her encouragement gave me a great sense of uplift.
.2. There has been an intermittent uplift of the land and subsidence of the sea going on.
3. She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uplift him.
4. Baldwin and his Ministers had given a great uplift to Britain in their resistance to Mussolini at Geneva.
5. The ways in which the spreading heat will lower densities and produce plate uplift have b