
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:52:23
我选择去新西兰读学士学位,专业是工程技术。这是因为我在中国学的是模具专业,因为我的家乡东莞是一个国际性的电脑及周边产品生产基地,随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国的经济与世界的联系将越来越紧密,正如IBM大中华区副总经理李祖藩所说的:“如果东莞通往深圳皇岗的公路被切断,全球70%的计算机商将受影响。” 而IT产业的兴起与蓬勃发展,这里将需要大批的既能熟练使用英语又掌握高新IT知识的工程师来提高生产力。由于国内IT行业竞争大,每年有大量毕业生难以找到理想岗位,要提高个人竞争力就必须具备高新的专业知识,这正是我出国学习的动力。新西兰是一个英语国家,教育水平很高,且环境优美,气候宜人,是个学习的好地方。我也认为中国与新西兰的IT贸易在将来会越做越大,我很希望能在将来帮助新西兰在中国的公司提供技术支持。



I chose to go read the New Zealand bachelor's degree in engineering technology major.

In order to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible, I intend to New Zealand after the first language school to learn English, improve their standard of English, at the same time this will also help improve the efficiency of my major study in order to achieve academic excellence. As mentioned above, I intend to return home to the famous foreign IT enterprises, such as IBM or NOKIA my homeland at the production base, by virtue of their own strength of my English proficiency and expertise, must be able to greatly enhance the production of effectiveness.

New Zealand is an English-speaking countries, a high level of education, and a beautiful environment and pleasant weather, it is a good place to learn. I also believe that China's IT trade with New Zealand will be growing in volume in the future, I hope very much to assist in the future of New Zealand companies