
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:21:27

大家好!-Everybody is good!

我叫潘岁寒.-My name am Pan Suihan.

我叫丁健.-My name am Ding Jian.

我们是来自同一个公司.-We come from the identical company.

我们是来自天津西门子电气传动有限公司.-We are come from Tianjin Simens the electric drive Limited company.

我们是非常好的朋友.我们像兄弟一样.-We are the very good friends. We look like brothers to be the same.

我今年22岁.-My this year 22 years old.

我今年25岁.-My this year 25 years old.

他长的非常帅,非常有明星气质.-He long is graceful, has the star makings.

他的歌唱的非常好,在我们公司人称"歌神"!-He sings is good, is called " the song god in our company "!

我们都有一个共同的爱好.-We have a common hobby.

我们都非常喜欢汽车,我有一辆"马自达2".-We like the automobile, I have one " Mazda 2 ".

我最喜欢的汽车是保时捷的"卡宴".-most like the automobile is Porche " the cayenne ".

我最喜欢的汽车是保时捷的"911".-I most like the automobile is Porche " 911 ".