
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 01:12:09
前言: 当前,“企业竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。”这句话随时间的流逝在实践中得到检验,其正确性不容置疑。在企业的生存与发展过程中,人才的确起了关键性的作用,特别是优秀人才的作用对企业往往更具有决定性。如何吸引并留住人才便成为企业经营者都十分关心的问题。为了获得长期生存与持续发展的动力和能力,人才竞争成了企业在竞争中面临的严峻课题。虽然,企业的成功依赖于企业多方面的因素,但人才战略是整个企业发展战略的核心。本文将通过对企业优秀员工、优秀员工对企业的现实价值和长远发展价值理论分析之基础上,进一步对我国企业在吸引人才方面存在的问题、吸引人才机制的建立、企业留住优秀员工的方法以及对企业留住优秀员工所采用策略等方面的分析,从而揭示吸引人才和留住人才,是关系到企业生死存亡的极其重要的问题;企业如何筑巢引凤继而稳定人才、留住人才是企业发展壮大走向成功的关键所在。

关键词:企业 人才机制 吸引留住 优秀员工

Introduction: At present, " the competitiveness of enterprises is in the final analysis the competition of talents." This sentence with the passage of time will be tested in practice, no doubt about its correctness. In the enterprise's survival and development, manpower indeed played a key role, in particular the role of talented people are the enterprises tend to be more decisive. How to attract and retain talent will become important thing business owners concerned about . In order to obtain long-term survival and sustained development of the power and capacity, competition for talent has become a business in the face of severe competition in the subject. Although the success of enterprises depends on a wide range of enterprises, but across the enterprise personnel strategy is the core of development strategies. This article will discuss employees of the company outstanding, excellent staff-to-business value and long-term development of practical value on the basi