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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:08:57
With an aim of preparation of Economy calculation for the Project and start of negotiations with parties concerned (local structures of “Foreign Investments and Investment cooperation Department” and “ High Technologies Department” in Dalian, Shenyang cities, Liaoning and Jilin provinces, Departments of Capital construction of above-mentioned territories’ Governments, other organizations interested in implementation of the ”pipeline’s anti-accident protection technology”/PAPT), Ecowave provides to the Partner unique Methodic on evaluation of PAPT implementation effectiveness.
Term: 1st decade of April,
Parties agree to evaluate the Methodic in 150 000 US dollars for the further calculations of shares in the Project investment fund.
n addition, Partner agrees to check and provide the algorithm of presenting and confirmation of Project by involved state structures.
Partner agrees to conduct the talks on the organization of work group on the implementation of PAPT at

,目的是编制经济计算的项目,并开始谈判,有关各方(地方机构的“外国投资和投资合作部”和“高级技术部”在大连,沉阳市,辽宁和吉林两省,部门的资本建设上述领土政府,其他有关组织在实施“管道的反事故防护技术” / PAPT ) , Ecowave提供给合作伙伴的独特方法的评价PAPT执行效力。

长期: 10年4月1日,

各方同意将在评估方法的150 000美元的进一步计算的股票投资基金的项目。



中期: 4月至5月, 2009年。