
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 04:35:20
The world is moving nearer to ending the use of capital punishment, Amnesty International says, despite its latest report revealing a mixed picture. In its annual survey the group says 2,390 people were put to death in 2008, up from 1,252 in 2007. And 8,864 were sentenced to death, up from 3,347. Of 25 nations using the death penalty in 2008, China was the most prolific.

But Amnesty said it was encouraging that just 59 nations retained the death penalty and so few actually used it. The group's secretary general, Irene Khan, said such punishments as beheading, stoning and electrocution "have no place in the 21st Century". Despite the rise in executions during 2008, she said there were reasons to be optimistic. "The good news is that executions are only carried out by a small number of countries, which shows that we are moving closer to a death-penalty free world," she said.

'Worrying instances' The group highlighted decisions by Ar


但是大国际说,令人庆幸的是只有59个国家保留有死刑,而且实际上很少的国家还在继续使用。这个组织的秘书长Irene Khan说类似斩首、和电椅等刑法“在21世纪没有容身之地”。尽管死刑执行数量在2008年有所上升,她依旧认为有很多理由应该保持乐观。“好消息是只有少数几个国家在执行死刑,这说明我们在逐渐接近一个没有死刑的世界。”她说。
大国际还特别标注了“令人担忧的例子”中一些国家执行死刑情况在长期中跳跃式减少的例子。根据大国际的报告,St Kitts和Nevis成为加勒比五年来唯一的死刑案例。此外利比亚将死刑引入抢劫、恐怖活动和绑架的刑法适用范围中。