英语提问 请给出答案并给出理由!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:46:36
1)__my husband and i__down the road yesterday evening,we heard a woman scream.
A)since;had walked B)while;have walked C)as;were walking D)when;are walking
2)pierre left without saying a word to the boss because he cannot stand__ to wait.
A)be made B)to be made C)being made D)be making
3)fiona said that she felt quite embrassed that day because she was not accustomed to__like that.
A)be treating B)have been treated C)being treated d)be treated

(1)中根据yesterday evening就可直接排除B和D,因为yesterday evening表示的是过去时 ,而B和D用的都是 现在的时态。再根据题意,题目的意思是:“,昨天晚上当我跟我丈夫、儿子正在散步时,我们听到一个妇女在尖叫。”所以选C,而选A的话,意思就变成“自从我跟我丈夫、儿子散步以来”,显然不符合题意
第2、3 题前面的都讲到了,我就不多说了。 是固定搭配的问题~~

呵,希望我的答案对你有帮助~~ 好好学习,天天向上!

1.C 别的时态都不对
2.C 忍受什么,ing形式,动名词
3.C 同上,be accustomed to sth,这里用动名词

B其实while as, when都可以,关键是后面,的要用过去进行时

C 固定搭配cannot stand doing sth. 这句是被动

C accustom to 这个to是介词,后跟名词或代词
