bring 和take有什么不同

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:57:55

take是拿走的意思(从某地或某人处带走)例如:He took the book with him when he left. (他走的时候把书带走了)

Bring是带来的意思(由某处带来某物)例如:He brought the book with him when he to see me.(他来看我时把书带来了)

补充些,bring take fetch carry 的辨析:
1、 bring表示“带来”。
Bring me a cup of tea, please. 请给我拿杯茶来。

Let's take Mary to the cinema. 让我们带玛丽去电影院吧。

Please fetch some chairs from the next room. 请到隔壁房间拿几把椅子来

4、 carry表示“运送”,是一般用语,用车、船、手、肩、背把人或物运送至另一地方。
Railways, trucks and ships carry goods. 火车、卡车、轮船运送货物。 He carried the boy on his back. 他背着那男孩。

哇!常青树联盟答的太好了!我也弄清楚了 嘿~~~