
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 20:18:57
许多词汇在中西方人心里有着不同的涵义,甚至相同的词在不同的文化氛围里也会产生冲突。可以说审美心理的差异是造成这种现象的主导因素。因此,对词汇的理解不能只限于字面意义,还应了解它的引申意义和丰富文化内涵。如果翻译只直接按字面翻译成英语,没有考虑到其他因素,译出来的东西会有悖于西方国家的文化。例如, (1)上海产“百翎”
钢笔若将其英译为“White Feather”在英语国家便无人问津,因为英语有句成语: “to show the white feather.”意思是临阵逃脱,白色羽毛象征的是胆小鬼,这种译名显然不符合西方国家的文化。(2) 国产有一种口红, 它的商标是“芳芳”。 按照我们的审美心理,
一看到这个品牌,不仅仿佛看到了一位花容月貌的少女,而且好象闻到了她周身袭来的香气。可是译成“Fang Fang”,按照西方人的审美心理,一看到这个品牌,心中不免产生一种恐怖的感觉。因为Fang 恰好是一个英文单词,其义狼牙、犬齿的意思。可想而知,当西方读者看到这个商标名后, 他们想象的不是一位涂了口红的少女,而是张牙舞爪、毒汁四溅的恶狗或毒蛇,口红在西方国家的销路就不难想象。 (3)一种出口的干电池“白象”,翻译成“white elephant”应该是百分之百的正确,殊不知 a white elephant 是个固定的英文短语,意为“沉重负担”或“无用而累赘的东西”。由此可见,不同的审美心理造成分属不同文化氛围的人对同一事物产生的不同的反应

Many glossaries have the different implication at heart in the westerner, even the same word will also have the conflict in the different cultural atmosphere. May say that esthetic psychological the difference is creates this kind of phenomenon the predominant factor. Therefore, the understanding cannot only be restricted in the literal sense to the glossary, but should also understand that it expands the significance and the rich cultural connotation. If translates only directly translates English according to the wording, had not considered other factors, translate the thing will counteract in the Western country culture. For example, (1) Shanghai produces “hundred plumes” the fountain pen, if translates its UK is “White Feather” in English-speaking country then nobody will ask, because English has an idiom: “to show the white feather.”The meaning is joins in the battle escapes, what white feather symbol is the coward, this kind of translated name does not conform to the Western c