
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 04:32:11

Medical problems in rural areas has always been a problem in our society a widespread problem, whether in academia or policy-makers in their areas carried out in-depth study, but have little effect. In recent years, social capital theory in the rise of the academic community, using social capital theory to explain the social problems of the article become all too common, but rarely see the use of social capital theory to study the problem. Since reform and opening up, China's rural society has undergone rapid economic growth and huge social change, at the same time China's rural society retains many traditional features, such as interpersonal relationships, social networks. This article is in this context, social capital and rural villagers combine medical research, the purpose of social capital to further explore the performance of China's rural areas in the form of social capital and health behavior, as well as acts of social capital on health care the impact of the ru