
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 15:18:31
中国公民:1、本人的户籍证明; 2、本人户口所在地的县级人民政府或工作单位的县级以上机关、学校、事业、企业单位出具的本人姓名、性别、出生年月、民族、婚姻状况 ( 未婚、离婚、丧偶;下同) ;职业、工作性质、申请与何人结婚的证明。

外国人:1、本人护照或其他身份、国籍证件; 2、我公安机关签发的《外国人居留证》,或外事部门颁发的身份证件,或临时来华的入境、居留证件; 3、经本国外交部(或外交部授权机关)和我驻该国使、领馆认证的由本国公证机关出具的婚姻状况证明,或该国驻华使、领馆出具的婚姻状况证明。



Chinese Citizen: 1. Certificate of my registered permanent residence
2. Local government of county level where I hold my residence registration or work unit above county level's offices, schools,enterprises, enterprise unitsthat show my name, sex, date of birth,race, marital status (unmarried,divorced,widow/widower; as below): employment, nature of work, marriage certificate of the applicant.

Foreigners: 1. Applicant's passport or other identifications,certificate of nationality; 2. "Residence permit for foreigners" issued and signed by the Public Security Department, or Identity certificate issued by the Foreign Affairs Department or certificate of temporary entry into or residence in China:
3. Marital Status Certificate certified by home country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or organs authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)and our embassy, consulate to that country,and authenticated by embassy and provided by ho