郭德纲 英语简介

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 10:29:43
提供一段英语简介 有关郭德纲和德云社的。。。。

谢!~~~~~~~~ =^.^=

Origin: Tianjin
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Tianjin
Height: 165cm
Weight: 83KG
English name: Guoguo
Location: Beijing
Blood type: O
Constellation: Capricorn
Year: cattle
Education: Undergraduate
Birthday: January 18, 1973
Occupation: grass-roots artists

郭德纲was born in Tianjin in 1973, his childhood love of folk art.

8-year-old to join the art, storytelling first senior al-hai Gao Qing learning storytelling, comic artists to follow after the regular school Baofeng crosstalk, have been the advice of many comic artists, teach. It has also been studied with great concentration opera, Pingju opera, Hebei Bangzi drama, etc., was removed in the pear orchard, the文丑, the corymbosa, to enrich their own comic performances from a very important role. By drawing on a wide range of art forms, and form its own style.

Notepad Art

● learning storytel