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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 12:05:07
他是东方神起的队长。1986年2月6号出身于韩国全罗道。他身高186cm。擅长于跳舞唱歌。他隶属于 sm公司。他有个特点只要坐下来不说话10秒就能睡着!他希望以后能成为音乐家和好爸爸。当时他并没有想参加比赛而出名的念头。平时常常和朋友参加比赛,后来朋友就偷偷帮他报名参加比赛。结果拿了第一名。他当时的心情很难用语言来形容。他将带领东方神起走向越来越辉煌的道路。

He is the captain of the TOHOSHINKI. He was born in the Jeolla in the South Korea on February 6, 1986. He is 186cm and good at dancing singing. He is part of the SM company. He has a characteristics that he will be able to fall asleep if he sit down and do not speak as long as 10 seconds ! He expressed the hope that he could become a good musician and father in the future. At that time, he did not have the idea of well-known by participating in the competition. But he often participate in the competitions with his friends, then a friend secretly enroll him in the competition. First place, it was the results. He got the feeling that it was difficult to describe the mood in words. He will lead the TOHOSHINKI onto a road of glory.