Guided writing

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:23:56
Read the e-mail.Suppose you are the editor,Miss Brown,Please write a reply.The following words may help you: should, could,if,when ,while……
Dear Editor,
I argued with a friend but I knew that it was my fault(过错).So I tried to talk to him,but he paid no attention to me.Maybe I hurt him too much.I tried talkig to him again and he did the same thing.Is our friendship over?
Li Lin
Dear Li Lin,
Miss Brown

It is a normal that some misunderstanding exsits between friends.So you should take it easy . You can do something for him without noticing him . For example ,You can help him with his classroom duty . Or you can bless him when his birthday is coming. If he become more and more friendly than now , you could apologize for your fault.