
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:08:33


语言是文化的载体。语言的应用必须考虑到其文化内涵,否则就会对语义传达产生负面影响。例如市内公厕外墙壁上大多标有英文“W.C”字样。在英语文化环境中,“W.C. ”类似中文所说“茅房、茅厕”,属于很不文雅的用法,更不应现身公众场合。这样的词汇的大量使用,必然使外国游客对我市各风景点的文化氛围产生质疑。此外,目前国内的一些通用汉语公示语在英语国家是找不到任何踪迹的。如男厕所中的“小便前站”, 商店中的“商品售出,不退不换”,以及随处可见的“违者罚款”等。这些语言既缺乏对个体的人文关怀,又暗示我们的生活环境和服务质量不佳。如果对这些公示语直接进行翻译,非常容易引起外国游客的反感,这样的翻译便会成为文化误解的根源。

English is not just a form of identification, but also have a positive practical significance. Names in the social interaction as people use most frequently, use one of the most extensive, with high social value. Translation of geographical names in our city logo of the main problem is that the title on the same site of the non-uniform, even if it is established by the same department on the plate, the translation of the same names are not the same. At present, various street signs in our city logo, and the bus station of the English logo, the Mood 100, the same location, in different signs on the English translation are different. In addition, some urban trunk road traffic sign, the translation of non-uniform, non-standard is also very common. Signpost different names for the same English title inconsistent, but it was not clear on the plate with a piece, followed by its English translation is not the same principle, the same path of the road there are two or more translation. &quo