马上参加辩论赛了,大家多帮帮忙啊 我的论题是:安乐死不违反伦理学,

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:07:24
记住,是不违反!!! 拜托大家了!!!


various arguments for and against euthanasia.
Opposing arguments include:
 Physicians are supposed to save people, not kill them;
 Life is invaluable, therefore no criteria could justify death;
 Euthanasia pre-empts attempts of finding medicine for geriatric diseases;
 Three fallacies render applying euthanasia mistaken or unnecessary: the patient could have improved unexpectedly if no euthanasia had been applied, the diagnosis may have been incorrect, or new cures could appear after the patient is euthanised; and,
 euthanasia encourages killing the elderly, which ‘does not tally with the Chinese tradition of filial piety’.

Supporting arguments include:
 a good death is a patient-right;
 euthanasia benefits the family of the patient if it relieves the family from financial and social burden;
 It befits the good of society,