急求英语翻译几句话 不要翻译机翻的 很简单的几句话 拜托了!越快越好!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:26:44
1.上周周末 我跟我朋友一起去赏了樱花 樱花开得很漂亮 我们也玩得很开心

2.这周星期天 我将参加高级韩语能力测试 所以会非常的忙

3.这学期我最喜欢的课程就是考古课 因为我一直对考古非常感兴趣也非常好奇

4.我想有两个孩子 一个男孩 一个女孩 因为我是独生女 从小就希望能有个哥哥或是姐姐陪我一起玩 所以以后能有两个孩子的话 他们就不会觉得孤单了

5.我最喜欢的节日是春节 因为春节可以跟家人在一起热热闹闹的庆祝 一起看春节联欢晚会 还可以放烟花

6.圣诞节虽然是西方的节日 但是在中国也很受年轻人的欢迎 圣诞节期间 在街上也能看到装饰得漂漂亮亮的圣诞树 甚至有些人会穿上可爱的圣诞装 非常的有趣

好了 就这些了 这些是我明天口试的题目的中文答案 麻烦大家帮我翻译下啊 今天晚上一定要要哟~!拜托了!
亲们~因为是口语考试 希望答案比较口语化比较地道 尽量不要书面的东西 更不要中式英语哈

1.My friends and I enjoyed oriental cherry trees last weekend, oriental cherry trees were very beautiful and we had a good time.

2.I will attend Advance Korean Language Proficiency Test this Sunday, so I will be very busy.

3.The course I like best this semester is archaeology, because I am interested and curious in archeology all the time.

4.I'd like to have two children, a boy and a girl. Because I am a only daughter, I hope I could have a elder sister or brother stay with me when I was young, so if there will be two children in the future, they won't feel lonely.

5. The fetival I like best is Spring Festival, because you can celebrate with jollification with your families, watch Spring Festival Party together, let off the fireworks as well.

6.Although Chritmas is western festival, it is also popular among young people in China. During Christmas, you can see the beautiful decorated Christams trees in the streets, some p