
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 17:03:47
假如你是李华,给美国的网友发电子邮件,介绍去年夏天你和其他同学参加的野外生存训练! 要求 携带物品:指南针 手电 地图 等. 中途翻越高山 穿越森林! 自己做饭 同学们互相了解,学会独立! 来就有分! 十点前!

Dear friend:

I am writing to you to atalk about my experience last summer.Las summer,I took part in a field survival camp with my classmates.That wa san unforgetable experience.What you need is a compass,torch and map,of course,enough water and food as well.In the camp,you have to take care of yourself.You have to cook,and help each other in your team.Certainly enough,you have cross the mountain,and go through the forest, valleys and rivers.Generally speaking,you have to learn how to be independent.Only because you have to depend on yourself to decide everything you meet.This kind of training is very useful for the young generation who are used to the comfortable life.

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