
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 02:18:47
大家好,能够站在这里面试,我感到非常的荣幸. 我叫XXX,来自北京.我平时喜欢运动和上网浏览信息.我的性格比较开朗,随和并且对生活充满了信心. 简单来说,我是一个学习非常勤奋的人,虽然,我可能不是最聪明的,但我一定是最认真的,最肯下功夫去钻研的人。大学4年我从未挂过科.而且在课余时间我经常参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩.

Everyone can stand here and interview, I feel very honored. My name is XXX, from Beijing. I usually like to browse the information campaigns and the Internet. I compare cheerful personality, easygoing and full of confidence for life. To put it simply I am a very hard-working people to learn, although I may not be the most intelligent, but I will certainly be the most serious, most willing to work hard to study people. University 4-year Division I have never been linked. But I often take place after school hours to participate in a variety of competitive sports events, and campaigns have been working to improve the results.