朋友们帮忙翻译一下 急急急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:56:22
即根据原有名称的读音或部分读音构造出具有销往国语言特色、含有该国消费者喜爱字眼并一望便可知用途的、符合该国国情的新词。此类成功译名不胜枚举, 例如: Goldlion (金利来) 、Safeguard ( 舒肤佳) , Truly ( 信利) , Tide ( 汰渍) , Pantene ( 潘婷) ,MickeyMouse (米老鼠) ,可谓字字对应、珠联璧合;Canon (佳能) ,Coca cola (可口可乐) ,Pepsi cola (百事可乐) 、Desist (敌杀死) , Saturn (杀草丹) 、Avon (雅芳) ,Arche (雅倩) ,Crest (佳洁士) ,Robust (乐百氏)等。这些译名成功之处就在于它们在选词上充分考虑到国人文化心理需求,投其所好,使人一看品牌便产生良好情绪和接纳心理,促使其产生购买的动机。

Musiclaw intended to require such a translation that has been translated into both been translated into the meaning of the original, but also with a similar pronunciation in Chinese, at present such a comparison by the highly regarded translation. However, this translation is not only asked the translator to have a more perfect language basic skills, but also have a rich artistic imagination.
That is, under the original pronunciation of the name or part of the pronunciation of constructed languages have sold to the characteristics of consumers in the country containing the word love and a hope we can use, in line with the new word conditions. Such success has been translated into the list goes on, for example: Goldlion (金利来) 、Safeguard ( 舒肤佳) , Truly ( 信利) , Tide ( 汰渍) , Pantene ( 潘婷) ,MickeyMouse (米老鼠) ,可谓字字对应、珠联璧合;Canon (佳能) ,Coca cola (可口可乐) ,Pepsi cola (百事可乐) 、Desist (敌杀死) , Saturn (杀草丹) 、Avon (雅芳) ,Arche (雅倩) ,Crest (佳洁士) ,Robust (乐百氏)and so on. These have been translated