新汶翻译 3

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:18:01
But that hasn't happened. This week, Rio Tinto said its iron-ore production fell 15% from a year earlier in the 2009 first quarter. BHP and Vale are also expected to show a decline. And world steel demand isn't likely to improve before the summer at the earliest. That means iron-ore producers have little leverage with steelmakers in the 2009 talks because those contract prices are locked in from April to April.

BHP Billiton wants to eliminate the current 12-month system and would like prices to be set by the spot market or some other index. Current spot prices are hovering around $50 a metric ton, up from the low of $36 late last year but still off their highs of $120. Vale and Rio Tinto have favored contract pricing because it offers more stability.

Some smaller steelmakers and iron-ore producers have already worked out side deals independent of the major negotiations. Cotton & Western Mining Inc., a small iron-ore producer in Houston, Texas, announced th



就在大型矿产商和钢铁生产商仍在进行铁矿石价格谈判之际,一些规模较小的钢铁生产商和铁矿石生产商已经在场外达成了协议。美国休斯顿的小型铁矿石生产商Cotton & Western Mining Inc.宣布,它已于中国客户达成了每吨约45美元的2009年铁矿石供货价格。

但是,这并没有发生。这个星期,力拓表示,其铁矿石产量下降了15 % ,从去年同期的2009年第一季度。必和必拓和Vale预计也将下降。和世界钢铁需求不太可能改善夏季前在最早的。这意味着,铁矿石生产商与钢铁企业几乎没有在2009年的谈判,因为这些合同价格锁定在4月至4月。

必和必拓希望消除目前12个月的系统,并想定价格的现货市场或其他一些指标。目前现货价格徘徊在50美元一吨,高于36美元的低去年年底,但仍从高点120美元。谷和Rio Tinto的青睐合同定价,因为它提供更多的稳定。
