跪求.... 用英语怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:58:34
老师.这些天您已帮助我很多,谢谢您帮助我,谢谢您教育我. 遇到您我非常的高兴,我为您感到自豪;我和同学们在班里彼此相处的很好,我们互相学习和帮助,因此,我提高了我的学习.非常感谢老师和同学们!

Honorable teacher , beloved schoolmates: Teacher. You already help these skies I many, thank you helping me , thank you educating me. Come across your my extraordinary being glad, I am that you feel being proud; I very good getting along with the schoolmates each other within the shift, we have learned from each other with helping , I have improved my study about therefore. Thank the teacher and schoolmates very much!