
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:32:58
To minimize the demands on the cadet's time,the Academy's administrators selected a subgroup of cadets (n=840) from the entering class (n=1,494) to serve as the study's sample. (The remaining cadets participated in a different study that did not involve the present researchers.) Questionnaires were administered to the sample six times over 18 months. At each administration, the surveys were identical. Data collection for the present study began with a questionnaire that was mailed to the prematriculated cadets during the spring semester of their senior year in high school (T1). At this point, cadets had decided to enter the Academy but had not yet formally enrolled. This survey was returned to the Academy's Offace of Institutional Research via US mail. The second questionnaire was administered to the cadets within several days after their arrival at the Academy to begin Basic Cadet TrainingCT),and the third questionnaire was administered at the end of BCT (T3). The seco

为了尽量减少要求的少年的时间,学院的管理人员选择一个分组学员例( 840 )从进入阶级例( 1494年) ,作为研究的样本。 (其余的学员参加了不同的研究,并不涉及本研究员。 )问卷调查的样本管理6次超过18个月。在每一个行政部门,调查是相同的。数据收集本研究开始时的调查表,邮寄到prematriculated学员在春季学期的年级高中(表# t1 ) 。在这一点上,学员已决定进入该学院,但尚未正式入学。这项调查是回到学院的Offace制度研究通过美国邮件。第二个调查表管理的学员数天之内到达后,该学院开始基本少年TrainingCT ) ,第三个调查表管理年底基本学力测验(的T3 ) 。第二次和其后各调查组直接管理的学员,并立即收集人员从办公室的体制研究。第四,第五和第六次问卷管理后期秋季学期( 11月;甲状腺素) ,后期春季学期( 4月) ,以及夏季之后一年级(扩建) ,分别为。项目衡量承诺倾向和随后组织承诺apppeared六个行政部门对所有的调查;项目衡量的效用反馈出现在调查结束时,管理的基本学力测验) ,秋季学期( T ) ,和春季学期) 。成交数据,其中的原因少年离开学校,进行了监测整个四年的学员参加了机构,并获得了来自官方科学院记录。