英语小作文 帮忙写几句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:01:33
You do not feel well when you get up(起床) in the morning. The following (下面)are some of the symptoms (症状)you have:
● A slight(轻微的) headache
● Sneeze(打喷嚏)
● Weak
● Might have a temperature(发烧).

You would like to see the doctor and cannot go to class. Now you are writing a message to your teacher explaining(解释)

1. 学校将要召开一个选举学生会主席的会议;
2. 会议时间和地点:下周星期六上午8:00~11:00,学校科教大楼会议厅;
3. 主要议程: (1) 介绍参加竞选的学生;
(2) 参加竞选的学生发表竞选演讲;
(3) 投票选举新的学生会主席。
4. 注意事项: (1) 要求全体学生参加,不要迟到缺席;
(2) 有意参加竞选的同学星期三以前向学生会报名,提交简介,准备竞选演讲。
5. 参考词汇:候选人:candidate; 学生会:the Students’ Union; 报名:enter for
宣布:announcement; 会议厅:meeting Hall; 投票:voting; 选举:election

3.Ⅵ. Practical Writing
Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to c

Nowadays,more and more people have their private cars. Therefore, parents would like to pick their children when their school is over. Some of them even send their children to school every day.I think sending children to school by car can save lots of time and keep the children safe.In the car, it is convenient for parents to have a talk with their children about the things happening in the school.But, on the contrary,sending children to school by car can cause traffic jams and traffic accidents.It will make the streets much more crowded than before.Meanwhile,it can produce much more pollution which is harmful to people's health.We'd better take a public transprotation to send the children to school and riding bicycles is the best way for environment preservation


I like swim. I like watck TV. I like cat.

