
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:13:08
甲方因遇不可抗力因素,如,战争、罢工、能源短缺、机械故障…… 或某种足以令甲方不能如常生产的原因,不幸出现上述情形。甲方需书面通知乙方说明原因和延误时间,由乙方决定退款(无息)或用书面通知甲方等候。
3.诉 讼:
4.本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各一份,具有同等法律效力。有效期到 。。。


1. Force Majeure:
Party A case of force majeure due to factors such as, war, strikes, energy shortages, mechanical problems ... ... or a Party can not be enough to make production as usual reasons, unfortunately, the above-mentioned cases. Written notice to Party A Party B to be the reasons and the delay time, a decision by the Party B refund (interest-free) or by written notice to Party A pending.
2. Breach of contract to deal with:
The contract signed by both parties, the two sides should abide by, the party in breach compensation for all losses.
3. Litigation:
Any of the contracts the two sides should resolve the dispute, consultation is not successful by the location of People's Party ruled that the losing party to bear all costs of litigation.
4. This contract in duplicate, each of the two sides a and B, have the same legal effect. Valid until. . .