
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:32:20

The premise was interesting enough to appeal to geeks, at least some parts of it. A serial killer with the technical know-how sets up a site, and uses the power of the internet as well as the voyeuristic nature of the online denizens to aid in the kills, meaning the more hits the site receives during an online, live execution, the faster the victim will die. Needless to say should he slap an ad on the site, it'll rake him enough dough to retire. And the police can't do anything about it because of bureaucratic red tape in terms of jurisdictions, and of course, the killer being a gifted cracker.

In the veins of torture porn movies, it does showcase some rather sick though innovative ways of brutally dispatching someone, although it doesn't resort to ramping up the gore element unnecessarily. There were some nifty visual effects and makeup, but for those weaned on the Saw franchise and its wannabes, then Untraceable doesn't provide anything new. So goes the