哪个高手帮忙翻译一下论文摘要 谢谢哈

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/14 23:27:40
水平有限 翻译不出来 求助高手帮忙 不要机译的哈
俺可是把所有的积分都拿出来了哟 呵呵

重庆自古是美食之都,而川菜作为中国八大菜系之一,在国内外享有很高的知名度,因而,重庆具有发展餐饮行业的巨大优势。随着,重庆经济的飞速发展,重庆火锅、传统中餐川菜馆以及江湖菜的走红,重庆餐饮企业的发展迎来了一个黄金时期。然而,物流环节成为了重庆大中型餐饮连锁企业飞速发展的一个瓶颈问题,有必要对其进行深入研究。因此,本文在研究物流在餐饮企业发展中作用的基础上,分析了重庆大中型餐饮连锁企业物流的现状及面临的问题,提出了解决重庆大中型餐饮连锁企业物流发展的对策。并以 “重庆陶然饮食文化集团”为例,为其面临的物流瓶颈问题提出了有针对性的解决方案。
餐饮连锁企业 物流 现状 策略
我选错了分区 有悬赏的在 商业理财 广告营销 那个板块

Chongqing is the gourmet capital of ancient times, and Sichuan cuisine as one of China's eight at home and abroad enjoy a high reputation, and thus, the development of Chongqing has a great advantage for food and beverage industry. With, the rapid development of Chongqing's economy, Chongqing hot pot, the traditional Chinese dishes, Sichuan Museum, as well as the popular arena, the development of catering enterprises in Chongqing usher in a golden age. However, the logistics aspects of Chongqing has become the large and medium-sized restaurant chain fast-growing problem of a bottleneck, it is necessary to conduct in-depth studies of its. Therefore, this paper studies the development of logistics in the role of food and beverage companies, based on the analysis of large and medium-sized restaurant chain Chongqing logistics problems faced by the status quo and put forward to solve large and medium-sized restaurant chain Chongqing LOGSCOUNCIL response. And "