
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:19:12
狼性原则 卧心藏胆 狼不会为了尊严而去攻击比自己强大的动物 合纵从一心 必须是面对比自己强大的东西时 比群起而攻之, 自知之明,狼也想当兽王,但自己不是老虎, 同进同退,狼虽然通常独自行动,但狼确实最团结的动物,你不会发现那只狼受伤时独自逃走, 表里如一,狼也想当一个善朗的动物,当狼也知道自己的胃只能消化肉, 所以狼只能每次把猎物吃的干干净净,而自认为善锒的动物却每次在饭店里做一些不道德的事, 知己知彼,狼尊重每一个对手,狼在每次攻击前都会去了解对手,而不会轻视他, 狼亦钟情,公狼会在母狼怀孕时一直保护母狼,直到小狼有生存能力,

The Wolf principle lie hidden bravery heart will go to dignity Wolf attack than their powerful animals must be faced with union from the great things than gang up, self-knowledge, Wolf, but also want to be a beast's tiger, Wolf, though with back into action, but usually alone the unity of animal Wolf really, you won't find the Wolf escape injury alone, Wolf, also want to be a good long while the Wolf, the animals that my stomach is only digest meat, so the Wolf ate only the prey time since that good clean, but every time he animals in restaurants do something immoral, mutant, Wolf respect each opponent, wolves in each attack before to understand, but not despise his opponent, the Wolf also male Wolf, will be in the female Wolf pregnant female Wolf, has been protected until small Wolf viability.

The principle of the wolf lying heart gall away the wolf will not attack the dignity of their powerful than the combined longitudinal from one animal to be strong in the face of