
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:10:36
3.3 Competition and Bank Risk-Taking

To analyze the impact of competition it is useful to restate the bank’s optimization problem.
Since a bank’s choice of k maps into a risk choice s, we can also consider the bank’s problem
as one of choosing s in order to maximize ∏. The entrepreneur who needs to be selected
to induce a certain s, and the interest rate that results from this choice, are implicitly
defined by (5) and (9). We write k(s) and r(s) in the following to indicate the k and r
that correspond to a risk choice s.
Consider now the impact of a small change in (induced) risk on bank’s equity, i.e., the
bank’s marginal gains from risk-taking. From (10) we have
∏’(s) = r’(s)p + (r − rD)ps. (11)
We want to show that a reduction in c (that is, an increase in competition) raises risktaking s. For this we derive that the bank’s marginal risk-taking gains ∏’(s) at a given
s = s increase when c falls. Th


作为一个选择S在以最大限度地∏ 。企业家谁需要被选中
定义( 5 )及( 9 ) 。我们写度( s )和住宅(县)在下列显示的K和R
银行的边际收益的冒险。从( 10 )我们有
∏ ' (县) = R '等(县)芘+ (注册商标-路)的ps 。 ( 11 )
我们希望表明,减少在C (也就是,增加竞争)提出risktaking号为此,我们获得的银行的边际风险承担收益∏ ' ( s )在某一特定
秒=县增加当C下降。这等于表明,如果银行减少后的C (假设)调整k这样其以前的风险水平S是恢复,其承担风险收益仍高于前减少角从这一因此,银行执行的S高于一个是最佳的前减少角
形式上,我们必须表明, d∏ ' (县) /直流“ 0 。从( 11 )我们得到
d∏ ' (县) /直流= [博士' (县) /直流]芘(县) + [博士(县) /直流]聚苯乙烯(县) 。 ( 12 )
由于D类( p ( s ) )的/直流= 0和D (聚苯乙烯( s ) )的/直流= 0 。
引理1我们有医生' (县) /直流= 0和博士(县) /直流= 1 /人(标准差) “ 0 。
举证责任。 1 。 dr∏ ' (县) /直流= 0 :重新安排企业家的一阶条件(方程5 )
r =县- k和规划/聚苯乙烯。 ( 13 )
R '等(县) = 1 - k_ (县) + (聚苯乙烯2 -第语,西班牙文) /聚苯乙烯2 ( 14 )
总导数( 14 )关于为C (控股常数新元,这是,钾含蓄
博士' (县) /直流= - DK号(县) /直流(