在线等,帮我修改一段英语仅300字! 谢!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 20:25:54
This passage that I find extremely interesting in the novel Darkness Invisible is located at the very last chapter of the novel. Through this short passage, author shows one of the central themes of the novel, the final judgment. Matty’s death and the fail of the kidnapping plan show an inversion of judgment. Matty, however strange and ugly, represents the good side of the novel. However, the criminals, including Sophy, Bill and Garry, are physically attractive. In this passage, Matty is referred as a “fire-monster” while Bill the kidnapper is referred as “the solder”. Once again, the author intentionally leads the readers to judge the characters by their physical characteristics. Under other circumstances, a soldier’s role is to protect and to fight against the evil. In this passage, the statute of solder becomes the costume of evilness.
The writing of Golding also fits well the theme of judgment. We notice that he avoids calling the characters by their names; he refers to the

I found this passage extremely interesting in the novel Darkness Invisible.It is located at the very last chapter of the novel. Through this short passage, author shows one of the central themes of the novel-the final judgment. Matty’s death and the failure of the kidnapping plan show a judgment inversion . Matty, however, strange and ugly, represents the good aspect of the novel. However, the criminals including Sophy, Bill and Garry are physically attractive. In this passage, Matty is referred as a “fire-monster” while the kidnapper Bill is referred as “the soldier”. Once again, the author intentionally leads the readers to judge the characters by their physical characteristics. Under other circumstances, a soldier’s role is supposed to protect and to fight against the evil. In this passage, the statute of the soldier becomes the costume of evil.
The writing of Golding also fits well the theme of the judgment. We notice that he avoids calling the characters by their names; he